A very special project

We are excited to reveal a very special project that's been a while in the creation here at Emu Gully.

Donna Mitchell is an artist and the mother of one of our facilitators, James. Following a discussion between James and Guy at the Australian War Memorial about the artworks there, Donna came down and we gave her a tour and told her the stories of Emu Gully.

Donna is now our very own Artist in Residence! Her first work, the Nancy Wake mural in our dining room, will be one of many around the site.

The use of still art in this modern age is important to young people as they are so used to “interactive” art; however, murals are restful for the eyes and are another way of us continuing to tell the stories of the ANZACs to our camp participants.

Thank you Donna - we are so pleased you decided to grace us with your talent!

Shana Rogers